I love jewellery, all types. From grungy stacked bangles, to costume jewellery to delicate little pieces that no one else could own. My love for jewellery far outweighs my budget but that doesn't stop me looking! Current favourites are Wright & Teague and Alex Monroe, both have great websites and great pieces.
The main image above are Gala rings from Wright & Teague, they come in Silver (above), gold, rose gold and even platinum. I wear alot of yellow gold, which is family stuff but I like to mix it up and wear silver too. Not for me the no gold and silver together rule! I really like the silver ones and only £200 which means each ring is about £33.33 each - bargain!

Alex Monroe do amazing pieces which are much copied on the high street. I have a bit of a thing for Owls, it's a family thing, my Grandparents loved them, my mother loves them and so do I. So this Alex Monroe locket (above) is just perfect. It looks like a simple, vintage locket but open it up and there is a swinging owl! I love the 22ct gold plated version £360, but it does also come in silver.

Alex Monroe also do bespoke pieces for special occasions, so I know what I'm dreaming about for my next big birthday!
Images from Wright&Teague and AlexMonroe.com