Slogan tees are one of those things that I love but don't wear because I'm not really a t-shirt wearer. However I might have to change my mind, thanks to Erin O'Connor and Kate Halfpenny. They have done a great range of slogan tees (and canvas bags). My fave is the one above, She Died Of Beauty, which is what their great website is called too (go here). The other slogans are equally cool and have already been spotted on Coleen Rooney (don't let that put you off) and Rihanna.
Oh and incase the cute website, great model shots (feat. Erin - well if one half of your team is a super model, why the hell not!) and the catchy slogans weren't enough to convince you, they are all ethically made. So at only £40.00 what more could you want!
Images thanks to www.shediedofbeauty.com