
Happy Birthday to me...

It is very nearly my birthday.

I am not a birthday person, I enjoy the presents (as any shallow, object obsessed person does) but I hate the focus. I hate it being all about me; my birthday, my day, my decisions. The irony is on any other day I adore it being about me and am prone to throw a strop if it isn't.

This birthday I am particularly dreading. It has been brought to my attention that I am in fact not getting any younger and this birthday will not only add a year to my life but will push me into the next box on official forms. My last birthday whilst not as "nothing" as I thought it would be, was not as bad for me as it was for some of my friends. I dealt with last year in quite a grown up fashion, however on this birthday, despite it being a school night I fully intend to get drunk and possible cry about my wasted youth.

There are a few things that might make my birthday more bearable....

A Daisy Knights chakra bracelet (available at my wardrobe).

Laduree macaroons.

Vintage cocktail glasses, a cocktail shaker and a bottle of Noilly Pratt (all part of my quest for the perfect Martini).

Angus & Julia Stone to serenade me, specifically with And The Boys (but I'm not fussy), if they aren't available then it'd be great if Adele could pop round with tickets for her London dates.

Images thanks to Laduree, Daisy Knights, Google. Videos thanks to youtube.com


Festival fever

Glastonbury 2010

I am not really into festivals, as I recently told a friend I am more a box of wine/picnic blanket type concert goer than the camping in the rain/getting sweaty in the mosh pit festival goer. This might be because although in the UK we have arguably the most famous festival, Glastonbury. We also have famously temperamental (read: crap) weather and as the idea of being rained on for 4 days appeals to me as much a root canal without anaesthetic, I've never been that into the idea of festivals.

There are two exceptions to this though, every year I think how much I would love to go to SXSW in Austin, Texas and Coachella in California. SXSW is mostly to do with my desire to go to Austin, Texas. Plus it is a total multi-media festival with music and film projects and lots of up-coming artists.

Coachella is on at the moment and this year the line up sounds particularly awesome, Kings of Leon, Arcade Fire, Kanye West, Mumford & Sons, Nas and Ellie Goulding to name a (random) few. Also from a superficial perspective (surprisng I know!) the fashion at Coachella is always worth a look. I don't know if it's because it's the artist that play or because of the location being so close to L.A but the A-list always turn out in their well dressed masses.

The MVP's so far on my list are the usual suspects - Kate Bosworth and Diane Kruger. I have made no secret of my love for Kate, I think she always looks great. I love her short shorts with high tops. Very California cool.

Diane (accessorising with the lovely Josh Jackson - and gentlemen take note this is how to do summer dressing; no skinny jeans, no cut off shorts, just a classic white shirt and straight leg slightly washed out jeans) manages to look great working the perfect summer combo of a nude maxi skirt and plain vest.

So maybe I am re-thinking my anti festival stance or maybe I just want to be somewhere sunny listening to cool music and looking fabulous.

Pictures with thanks to Just Jared