I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love Rachel Bilson. It is for a combination of reasons, she has pretty hair (though not right now - bad roots, maybe intentional but that doesn't make it okay), she has a huge collection of Chanel and never seems like she's trying to hard. Plus she was Summer Roberts in The O.C. and some of my favourite quotes with friends come from that show and her character ("Just explain it to him, he left. And suddenly there was a hot hot yard guy in the yard - who was hot").But now I love her because of her bag. It's the new Roberto Cavalli 'Diva' bag which will be available online and instore from November. I know we're living in "the age of austerity" and all that jazz but I think we might be seeing the rise of a new IT bag. Taylor Swift, Natalia Vodianova and Rachel all already have one, of course that may have something to do with them being at the Roberto Cavalli SS10 womanswear show - but I would've gone, you just need to ask and I would've happily taken the bag! Image thanks to Getty
I have a love affair with red hair. It stems from spider man comics, MJ was a kick ass red head and I wanted to be her. Then MJ went on to the big screen in the Spider Man trilogy and was played by Kirsten Dunst who went red for the role and the love affair continued (although frankly the less said about Spider Man 3 the better).Inside of me there is a red head waiting to be released. My brown-y/blonde locks have been through the ringer, from highlights (ages 14 - 18) dark brown (19 - 23) an unfortunate plum episode (24) and now faded red-y brown that went blonde in the sun. But really what I want and what my hair wants to is to be auburn! I'm talking Julianne Moore, Christina Hendricks, Karen Elson, Coco Rocha in her red phase!
Everytime I decide I'll leave my hair as it is, that red might not suit me (although it so would) I am confronted by more glorious red heads. This month on the front of Asos magazine is another of my girl crushes Bonnie Wright, who is the wonderful Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films. It's not enough that her parents are jewellery designers, Wright & Teague, she also has beautiful red hair that I covet!Then inside the mag there is a great editorial with actress Emma Stone, featuring gorgeous clothes but her equally gorgeous red hair! If you don't get Asos magazine, the wonderful folk over at the site have put it up online here. I love the skirt that Emma is wearing in the below pic, ready for my autumn flirtation with skater skirts and maybe even red hair!
Images thanks to asos.com and imdb
I have just discovered a love for Mad Men and have just finished watching series two, (yeah, I know how behind I am). The styling in Mad Men is just immense, the key to detail is superb and costume designer Janie Bryant really does deserve all the credit she is getting.My favourite character is Betty Draper, I know she's neurotic and a little crazy but I love her. (The boyfriend's fave is Don - I hope that isn't an omen). I think part of the reason I love Betty is that everything appears to be perfect, her hair is always set, the dresses are always perfectly pressed and the make up in place, even if everything around her is crashing down. I on the other hand am the exact opposite, which is why I love blazers. They are my go-to wardrobe piece. I have a basic black Zara one that I throw on with everything and anything, instantly updating a look from casual to smart casual.So imagine my joy when watching series two and seeing Betty Draper in her riding gear, complete with various blazers. The tweed one in the image above is one of her more basic options. There are all sorts she wears throughout the series.
Yet even her off duty riding look (sans blazer) is immaculate. The cream coat and cashmere jumper, with just the hint of an Hermes scarf poking out under the collar - it's the casual elegance of Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly that I wish I possessed.
So even though she's a little nuts I will continue to covet Betty Draper's style and maybe purchase a check blazer, like this £70 Topshop one to attempt to bring a little Betty style into my life.Images thanks to AMC