I have a love affair with red hair. It stems from spider man comics, MJ was a kick ass red head and I wanted to be her. Then MJ went on to the big screen in the Spider Man trilogy and was played by Kirsten Dunst who went red for the role and the love affair continued (although frankly the less said about Spider Man 3 the better).
Inside of me there is a red head waiting to be released. My brown-y/blonde locks have been through the ringer, from highlights (ages 14 - 18) dark brown (19 - 23) an unfortunate plum episode (24) and now faded red-y brown that went blonde in the sun. But really what I want and what my hair wants to is to be auburn! I'm talking Julianne Moore, Christina Hendricks, Karen Elson, Coco Rocha in her red phase!

Everytime I decide I'll leave my hair as it is, that red might not suit me (although it so would) I am confronted by more glorious red heads. This month on the front of Asos magazine is another of my girl crushes Bonnie Wright, who is the wonderful Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films. It's not enough that her parents are jewellery designers, Wright & Teague, she also has beautiful red hair that I covet!
Then inside the mag there is a great editorial with actress Emma Stone, featuring gorgeous clothes but her equally gorgeous red hair! If you don't get Asos magazine, the wonderful folk over at the site have put it up online here. I love the skirt that Emma is wearing in the below pic, ready for my autumn flirtation with skater skirts and maybe even red hair!

Images thanks to asos.com and imdb
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