All I Want For Christmas is...
I love Christmas. It is without a doubt my favourite celebration of the whole entire year. I wait 365 days just for Boxing day, which is the best day simply because you get to eat cold cuts, jacket potatoes, green salad, then cheese and all whilst drinking lots of red wine. I love everything about Christmas, the singing, the food, the wine, the weather (as long as it is cold and crisp not rainy and mild), the films, the festive tv, the festive adverts, champagne for breakfast and port for supper. I love everything except the giving and receiving of gifts.
I appreciate that this is weird, that I am missing the point of a capitalist Christmas. I'm not saying I don't want anything, having nothing to unwrap on Christmas would make me kinda sad but it doesn't need to be big or fancy. This isn't me pledging my allegiance to the hemp-wearing-hippy society, believe me I still like stuff and I still love presents, particularly shiny things. I just can't cope with the Christmas pressure.
Any other time of the year, without fail, I can list about 10 things I want just off the top of my head - this ranges from the uber expensive (hello Celine bag) to the not so expensive (hi there hair brush). Yet come December, specifically Christmas and I get stuck. The expensive is too expensive to ask for on a whim (yes, you, Jonathan Saunders jumper) and the rest seems silly. It's like a Christmas related performance anxiety, the more that is asked of me the less I deliver.
Before you think me too shallow, there is nothing more I love than a good book or even better a voucher. So it is not about the "item" itself, more the pressure attached to it.
The only solutions I have come up with so fat are not give gifts at all on Christmas, which goes against all of my most materialistic beliefs, or to create a year long wish list and add to it every time I see something I want or like. Then come Christmas family, friends and secret admirers could just consult the list.
Ohh I like the second option... Givenchy, Celine, Chanel, Oh my!
Picture with thanks to google. Not mine.
Out Into The World
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Also, since I am pimping myself out (so to speak) check out my tumblr, oh-darlingheart for all the prettyness that I don't want to put words with.
Heinz Variety
I want, doesn't get
5 weeks 'til Christmas but thinking about Summer
The good thing about the trend report is I get to look at my favourite shows, see my favourite designers and generally invest time in the pretty. My top 5 for SS12 are the usual suspects, but as the saying goes "if it ain't broke..."
9 to 5 or AHHHHH!!
I want... Friday fancies.

I want... to be thinner, don't I?

I Want... To Be On Holiday

The temperature outside is about 28 degrees. In my air-conditioned office I am wearing a jacket because I am cold. So all things considered, I would rather be here...


I haven’t posted in a while, this isn’t because I’m lazy – well isn't entirely down to my laziness – but because I’m stuck. When I started this blog I was freelancing (that’s what I called it, certain people in my life - Father, the boyfriend - liked to call it being unemployed). Regardless of the label I was spending the majority of my time thinking about fashion rather than actually surrounding myself with it. So the blog was a way to keep my hand in. However recently I have found fashion inspiration somewhat lacking, my job (actual job – all members of the family circle agree on this) is thinking, talking and writing about fashion. And as all social smokers eventually find out, too much of a good thing is bad for the lungs.
So this post heralds a blog change. I’ll still post about fashion because to be honest most things I want, like and think about are fashion based, but I will also post about other things. If you readers out there (all 3 of you who I probably saw at the pub on Saturday) are upset by this I’m sorry, but not that sorry because frankly there are a billion other, much better and more regularly updated fashion blogs out there so go read them. But do come back here to read my thoughts on all manner of things, from wine to politics, to holidays and Beyonce.
But as I am not one to leave the masses wanting, here are my current favourite fashion blogs –
Richgirlsss – An Aussie based, bit of everything fashion blog. This is a new find for me but I'm already a big fan of her style and inspiration.
Garance Dore – This is a bit of a blog classic, on every best blog list there is. She appeals to my desire to be French and fabulous.
Tuula Vintage – Another Aussie blog. This one is more of a personal style blog, her style is slightly edgier than my dream style but she has great hair and cool photos.
Fashion Me Now – This is a London based fashion girl, with a great eye and very cool personal style (though she doesn’t post that many pictures of herself).
Notting Hill Girl – An Aussie living in West London, not exactly a rare phenomenon but one of the best blog about it I know. This is part personal style blog, part general inspiration.
The Sartorialist – If you haven’t heard of this blog then shame on you and your blogging knowledge, it’s like proper famous. So famous people are kinda over it but I still think it’s pretty.
Vanessa Jackman – Great blog for “fashion snaps” but with words. Plenty of pretty to be found.
We the People – Street style fashion blog based in Sydney. Love seeing the fashion on the other side of the world but also because I would quite like to live out there as I have mentioned before.
Il etait une fois – Another Aussie blog, I know this is becoming a bit of a trend but what can I say, I like their style.
And finally, it’s not fashion but I am obsessed by this blog…
The Beauty Department – A beauty blog, from Lauren Conrad (yep her of MTV reality show fame) and her hair and make up team. It has great hints and tips and makes it look easy.
Illustration by Garance Dore
Hair Hair

Sometimes I want things I can't have. This happens quite often when I see a celebrity or model with a new haircut. I start to convince myself I want that too. I almost get as far as booking an appointment before I remember that I look about 18 and my face is the same shape as the moon so a pixie crop on me will make me look like a 12 year old choir boy. Or that part of my charm is my inherent laziness so anything that requires effort (like a choppy bob) is a waste of time because effort is something I refuse to put in.
Happy Birthday to me...

Festival fever

Advance Australia Fair...

AW11 - the wish list begins

I haven’t blogged in a while, I could pretend that this is because I am no longer shallow and ruled by what I want (not true) or I could pretend that it is because I am very busy and important now (equally not true). There is no real reason, I just haven’t. However I am back now and in the spirit of IWWYH – there are lots of things I want.

Right now I want the Chanel biker boots from the AW11 collection. I am not really a Chanel girl (other than bikes, bags and boots) but if I was I would be the type that wears impeccable coats and suits, not frayed jeans, which is why I was not so keen on SS11. However with AW11 Uncle Karl has made me want to wear Chanel again, yes it is a bit grungy but it is grungy with a French twist meaning everything is actually worth a fortune and paired with the right thing would look elegant and timeless.

Although I loved the quilted jumpsuit, I could and would never wear it. I also loved the coats and jackets but the boots are what have stuck in my mind. The reason I want the boots is due to my love affair with biker boots, I have a pair (Pierre Hardy for Gap from 3 years ago) that I adore. I adore them so much that I wear them all the time, with anything and now they are in dire need of some TLC from the cobbler. But I can’t stand to take them to be repaired because then I would not be able to wear them, so I need a replacement. Enter Chanel. Yes, they aren’t on sale yet, and no, I couldn’t afford them when they do become available. But a girl can dream, and dream of Chanel, I shall.