I am not someone who needs an outlet to rant, that is what friends and family are for and if they don't want to listen to me, that's fine, there will always be someone around. Recently however, I think I may be testing the patience of ALL of my nearest and dearest by droning on about the same subject, no not The Gosling, work. Or to be more specific the lack of it and lack of appreciation for my brilliance.
My job is a temporary contract, I knew this when I took it, so the fact it has to end is no surprise. However, the fact it is ending in approximately four days time, is somewhat surprising. I imagine this is what getting married is like, you wait and wait for the day and yet as it gets closer you are filled with something akin to fear. I would ask my married friends if this is true, but frankly listening to another sermon on weddings is liable to send me off the deep end right now.
Sorry, got lost in another ran there for a moment, back to the task at hand, the job. I have four days until I leave my job, I have had 11 months to prepare for this so it will all be okay, I'll just move onto the next thing… Except the next thing doesn't seem to exist. I hear the world out there is a pretty bleak place right now, I say hear because I live in West London and work in fashion which is essentially a bubble of complaints about not being able to get a table at the restaurant you want or being on the waiting list for the new Johnny Saunders jumpers. Not exactly signing on.
Yet being the news junkie (and generally not stupid) person I am, I know the situation in the wider world is dire right now. I know people are losing their jobs and can't pay their mortgages, I know things aren't good. I also know I have my health, my rented home (lets be realistic here, I live in London and am in my mid-twenties, of course I rent, I'm not Tamara-freaking-Ecclestone) and my family/friends and worse things happen at sea, but (cue the rant) - I work effing hard and have done since uni. Not only that, but I have worked effing hard at this job and all I am asking for is the opportunity to go somewhere else, earn a decent wage and do a job I enjoy and continue to work effing hard. I am apparently good at my job, I'm not work shy which is a constant surprise to my parents and those who grew up with me, so where is my bloody job. Why isn't it out there? And if it is out there why is no one phoning me to let me know! It isn't meant to be this hard. Or maybe it is meant to be this hard but I was hungover and skipped lectures the morning they explained that. I didn't screw up the economy, granted I didn't get the chance, but I shouldn't be penalised for not being old enough to mess up.
The problem with this rant and the reason I have had to resort to blogging to get it off my chest is that there is no solution and the people in my life, although they are too kind to say so, are getting sick of me talking at them and going round in circles.
There isn't a quick solution that I can see, it is just a case of sending out applications, waiting for the phone to ring and contemplating working in Waitrose over Christmas. I went for Waitrose based on the standard of food that would end up in the reduced section.
So, for now, rant over. Thank you for listening nameless, faceless blogosphere. You've been a wonderful audience.
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